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Re: Horizon Precision Drive

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2024 11:47 am
by Guitarbilly
Maybe the copy is not that accurate :lol:

But honestly I have to spend more time with it. I'm still in the middle of moving and hadn't had the chance to fuck with it at home and see if I can dial it in better. I'll revise this post some time next week.

Re: Horizon Precision Drive

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2024 9:33 pm
by Maddnotez

Never used for rock but the one time I played it I thought it was cool.

Another one to look out for with a built in Gate is the deadweald duality dx. I can't imagine that boost not being able to suit anyone for any genre. Unfortunately they're over priced and out of production now I believe but it's a great boost with built in gate.

Re: Horizon Precision Drive

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2024 10:16 am
by Guitarbilly
I had my second gig with it last night and I was able to dial it in better. I'm still not 100% sold on it but I'm getting the hang of it. I haven't been able to play at home lately because of the move, but starting next week I'll have my music room done and I'll sit with it and see if I can make it work.

Re: Horizon Precision Drive

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2024 8:03 pm
by Endtime
Besides the attack settings. Which is basically the starting point. Find whatever setting gets ,,, well the right attack! Also worthy mentioning this pedal has double the amount of output! So 1 o’clock for volume is basically max on most other pedals. I rarely go above that setting. And even lower volume settings is usable. And just cracking the gain open like one would do on say the SD1 works well in this too. And then the
Bright control is pretty much usable thruout it’s range. Not saying you haven’t figured this out but I know one of the claims made was they wanted to have a setting that had more than a small sweep of “good tone”. So for instance when I use higher attack settings, I drop that bright WAY down. And vice versa, if I use the 1st 2 attack settings I will have bright up around 3 o’clock.

And the lowest setting on the attack has the most gain/volume too. would say they work in tandem when the attack switch is lower setting. So let’s say attack on first click, vol at noon, gain off(on that setting for me) and treble at 2 or 3 o’clock. I think that’ll get pretty close to the standard TS808 tone. Then maybe 2nd attack setting has more of the grit of the SD1. Maybe goose the vol to 1 o’clock and try the treble at 1 o’clock too… See if those settings don’t sorta give you the vibe of those 2 pedals…

Also highest attack settings actually let thru more sub bass. It’s sorta weird how that works. It drops the overall volume/saturation a ton. It adds a ton of high mids, but let’s thru the lowest frequencies to sorta add this punch for single note low tuned stuff. It can be very reminiscent of say the Fortin 33 or dirty Tree. Likely not anything you go after. But it’s sorta a weird feature of the pedal is it let’s MORE bass thru on higher attack, but only that sub lows I mentioned.