So this happened yesterday - NAD

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So this happened yesterday - NAD

Post by Riffraff »

It's been nearly 15 years since I sold my Plexi. I was considering picking up a SV20H and have been watching too many YT videos which is normal operating procedure for me when I start to obsess on a new piece of gear and a purchase seems inevitable. They sound damn good and I dug deeper and deeper in YT looking for more videos to confirm this would be my next Marshall.

I got a little curious about what they have under the hood and started looking for videos with gut shots. I found a Headfirst video that compared the construction of the SV20 to an Origin 20 which is 1/3rd the cost. That put the brakes on a bit. Then I saw one from Johan Segeborn where he was comparing the tone of a SV20 to a 1987X. That video contained a pictures of the amps out of their head boxes. The sight of the SV20's puny transformers next to the iron in the 1987X threw a bucket of ice water on my previously red hot need for a SV20H.

I took a look at the 1987X and saw how much more you get if you spend $600 more than you would for a new SV20h. There's no comparison. I considered the fact that I had the money ready to pull the trigger on one and started looking for a used 1987X. Needless to say I didn't see any for less than a new one. I've already got 9 tube amps and some of do a pretty good job of covering that ground. The idea of dropping 2K on another amp put me off a little even though I had the money in my gear fund from selling off stuff I haven't used in years. This got me looking at other options. I even considered grabbing a used DSL because they are easy to find and less than 1/2 of what I was ready to spend on a SC20H.

That's when I spotted this on Marketplace about an hour from my house.
Hand wired 50W plexi with Jose mods, hell yeah!
The honeymoon phase is in full swing. :heart:

Ceriatone Yeti
Currently running 6550's
This one has the active EFX loop mod installed and the '60s, '80's & modern gain toggles are '60s, '80s and somewhere between them (let's call it '70s). That's perfect for me. This amp has a TON of gain as it is.

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Re: So this happened yesterday - NAD

Post by eyeball987 »

Nice! That story gives some credence to the saying patience is a virtue. Wish I had more of it at times!

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Re: So this happened yesterday - NAD

Post by greatmutah »

It’s hard to beat a hot rodded Marshall circuit! Ceriatone’s are great amps and do the Marshall circuit and sound very well.
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Re: So this happened yesterday - NAD

Post by Guitarbilly »

I agree about the SV20 vs the 1987x, the 50w is a much better purchase IMHO.

On the NAD, Ceriatones are great amps. To m, they're legit Marshalls in terms of circuit and tone. Some people online say the stock transformers should be upgraded but I don't know if I agree, I've had a few Ceriatone amps with the stock transformers and I also had one with Heyboers and honestly I didn't hear much of a difference, the stock transformers are fine IMHO.

The Yeti is great. I think they're basically a 2204 with Jose mods. Or is it a Cameron mod? I don't recall now. But they sound awesome and have a ton of gain. Post some clips if you can. Congrats man!!

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Re: So this happened yesterday - NAD

Post by 2tallmusic »


The Yeti is a fun amp - spec wise mine is pretty much the same. The stock loop has no practical value so I added a zero loss loop as well. The Yeti with midi and motor knobs would be probably my dream amp. So many different tones in one box - Enjoy!

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Re: So this happened yesterday - NAD

Post by maggotspawn »

Nice score! Congrats.

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Re: So this happened yesterday - NAD

Post by spawnofthesith »

Congrats!!! I want one of these or similar pretty badly :rawk:
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Re: So this happened yesterday - NAD

Post by macaronisalad »

However many years later, I still want to try out a Chupacabra... So I am jealous, because a Yeti is supposed to be very close, a couple resistors apart basically is my understanding.
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Re: So this happened yesterday - NAD

Post by cliffenstein »

Very VERY cool...good for you, man!!!!
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Re: So this happened yesterday - NAD

Post by Vladimir Putin »

I loved my SV20 but the Ceriatone Yeti is a better option is every possible way. Especially since you have the Power Station.

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