Modern Metal Hate Thread

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Caulk Rocket
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Modern Metal Hate Thread

Post by Caulk Rocket »

I just watched a demo of the Hapas Judge, which I found to be a very nice guitar. So I stupidly decided to search for it on YouTube. These are literally the first three results I got. Same guitar, three different dudes, and the "music" is exactly identical.

I think I hate metal now. And guitar. And music. I think I want to weave wicker furniture now as my main hobby.


I also still really like this guitar better than Wylde Audio stuff... :cool:

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Re: Modern Metal Hate Thread

Post by linthat22 »

Ah yes, the way of the djent with a smattering of whale farts.

That being said, I've been listening to old Prong and it's funny the songwriting differences you hear between albums to where Tommy really honed his skill. Whereas Slayer kinda fell into the lazy nu-metal sound with Tom constantly screaming. Got bland.

Maybe the real turnaround will be when basic songs are reintroduced? There's a ton of crazy talented guitar players out there, but not everyone likes spastic noodling that's called a song.

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Re: Modern Metal Hate Thread

Post by ninjaraf »

Yeah this stuff is not my thing.

But this is the type of player that typically buys Halas guitars. They market themselves as low tuned modern metal guitars.
I like 5150s. The rest of you bullshit amps can get fucked.

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Re: Modern Metal Hate Thread

Post by screamingdaisy »

The problem with metal is that everyone who's making it grew up listening to metal. It's become derivative. The more someone "only" listens to metal, the more derivative. These sound a bunch of dudes that grew up listening to djent, but lack the creativity or outside influence to make it sound interesting.

Sabbath didn't grow up listening to metal. A lot of those early metal bands grew up listening to Jazz, Folk, Classical, early Rock and Roll, etc. Their influences extended beyond what they were creating in the moment, and they didn't sound like a bad carbon copy of what immediately proceeded them musically.

I think that's why some of the more interesting metal bands are out of Europe and Asia. It's being made by players who grew up listening to something other than metal and are fusing their influences together.

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Re: Modern Metal Hate Thread


A lot of music today sounds the same. Rap, hip-hop, pop (à la, Katie Perry), modern metal, country, modern punk.
FFS! Rap is now officially Dad Music!!!
We need a new, new wave and we need it bad!!!
Walt said: When the hour is nigh & the lights are low & I got a toothpick of a shwag joint in my teeth & my friends want to hear me play Into the Void or TNT or Cemetery Gates I plug my $600 guitar into my $150 amp and I am a Rawk gawd

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Re: Modern Metal Hate Thread

Post by zozobra »


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Re: Modern Metal Hate Thread

Post by Maddnotez »

Right there with you dude. I can't stand this type of music. "Djent"

Honestly when the genre first came about some of it was pretty awesome. But that's my opinion and for me I like brutal and heavy. Some of it was but now it's just lame mostly. Not my thing at all but to each their own.

I tune pretty Damn Low, A and Drop G on a 7 string but anything lower than that rarely sounds good to me.

I've also heard modern death metal bands tune to E (summoning the lich) and sound heavy as hell.

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Re: Modern Metal Hate Thread

Post by spawnofthesith »

I like djent fine but I don't listen to a ton of metal of any kind these days
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Re: Modern Metal Hate Thread

Post by VinDSL »

I have to admit, that's pretty bad.

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