This is what happens when guitar makers do Fentanyl

For all discussions about electric, acoustic and bass guitars, guitar amps, effects, modelers this is the place!!!!!
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Re: This is what happens when guitar makers do Fentanyl

Post by DFGrueban »

Schecter is probably rubbing their hands together and thinking we can to that for 5 grand AND bring back the abalone.

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Re: This is what happens when guitar makers do Fentanyl

Post by FAKA! »

Woodgrain pickups too? Uhm...

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Re: This is what happens when guitar makers do Fentanyl

Post by jamminjohn »

Looks nice. $2500 max

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Re: This is what happens when guitar makers do Fentanyl

Post by JCDenton6 »

For that price, the guitar better change it's own strings and intonate itself while cooking my dinner and teleporting booty calls to my bedroom.

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Re: This is what happens when guitar makers do Fentanyl

Post by linthat22 »

Kiesel's have always had nice looking photos of their guitars, but there's something about that company that just doesn't give me the "want to's" to try any of their guitars.

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Re: This is what happens when guitar makers do Fentanyl

Post by facefirst »

In all fairness, I THINK he put this up as a joke.

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Re: This is what happens when guitar makers do Fentanyl

Post by Guitarbilly »

Chris Z wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 5:22 pm I fucking hate Kiesel.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Me too. I liked some of the Carvin apps but since they changed to Kiesel they went full douche

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Re: This is what happens when guitar makers do Fentanyl


When the economy takes a downturn, wealthy people love buying expensive things to make themselves feel superior.
There are plenty of websites that sell $1200 bathroom towels and $4000 brandy snifters to the rich.
Some kids can easily spend $24k on a guitar but, doubt Keisel sold more than four or five.
Walt said: When the hour is nigh & the lights are low & I got a toothpick of a shwag joint in my teeth & my friends want to hear me play Into the Void or TNT or Cemetery Gates I plug my $600 guitar into my $150 amp and I am a Rawk gawd

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Re: This is what happens when guitar makers do Fentanyl

Post by Steinmetzify »

Didn’t get what the fuss was about. Don’t love the HS but still, I’d play the fuck out of that.

Saw the price. Get fucked.
Caparison, ESP, Short
Diezel, Orange, Mesa Boogie

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Re: This is what happens when guitar makers do Fentanyl

Post by madrigal77 »

ESP MX-2 White
ESP Eclipse II Vintage Black
LTD EC-1000T CTM Violet Shadow
Ibanez Acoustic: V300CW
Fractal FM3 MKII Turbo
Laney LFR-212

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