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Re: Mesa MKIIC+ reissue quick vid--- Now with MOAR, louder and gained out

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 1:39 pm
by turbopablo
Both sound killer. The only difference I hear is that the reissue sounds a bit crisper than the original. But it’s nothing extreme.

Re: Mesa MKIIC+ reissue quick vid--- Now with MOAR, louder and gained out

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 6:09 pm
by Guitarbilly
Yeah it looks like they did a great job with this reissue. It actually sounded better on some of the riffs.
My only issue is the cost. :lol:.
It's definitely cheaper than buying the original, but there are still MKIIIs that can be found around $2k and I think I'd be just as happy with a III.
On the other hand, this is new with a warranty so I'm still tempted but idk. I'll probably get one at some point to at least try it out...

Re: Mesa MKIIC+ reissue quick vid--- Now with MOAR, louder and gained out

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 7:01 pm
by macaronisalad
I actually prefer the "presence" of the Reissue, which is cool. I don't really need the flexibility of a Mark so it will pretty much never be on my radar for buying, but its always good to have more options of good sounding amps. Especially ones that are less "feature based", and are rather just about the sound.

Re: Mesa MKIIC+ reissue quick vid--- Now with MOAR, louder and gained out

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 8:36 pm
by nightflameauto
Second clip is pulling on me. That other vid up thread is making my eyeballs sweat.

I'm holding the line until I can promise myself I can put an equal amount of money into savings as I spend on gear, and I just did a big splurge on bass gear and that semi-important necessities like food prep and shit, but I think when my year-end bonus rolls, if there are still preorders available for the spring run of these, there may be a pre-emptive hole in that bonus in a IIc+ shape.

Re: Mesa MKIIC+ reissue quick vid--- Now with MOAR, louder and gained out

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 4:49 pm
by Sizzler
that was badass Lance