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Re: It was just a matter of time….

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2024 12:20 am
by bonano
HOLY SHIT! What a crazy song!!! "Intense" doesn't even begin to describe it!

Re: It was just a matter of time….

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2024 7:06 am
by FAKA!
Jesus man... My picking hand feels exhausted just listening to that... awesome. TIme to google someContender IRs now.. .fk me

Re: It was just a matter of time….

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2024 5:42 pm
by Endtime
bonano wrote: Sun Jun 30, 2024 12:20 am HOLY SHIT! What a crazy song!!! "Intense" doesn't even begin to describe it!
Hah thanks man! It’s actually one I consider a bit “medium”! Lol
FAKA! wrote: Thu Jul 04, 2024 7:06 am Jesus man... My picking hand feels exhausted just listening to that... awesome. TIme to google someContender IRs now.. .fk me
it’s a good plugin. I’ll always mess with these and use them for demos and writing. But I do believe it’s simply a matter of time before they’ll be good enough to use. For me of course. I know 1000s use them and even pro recordings. But simply comparing to my own recordings, they never captured the right energy, for lack of a better word. But I really like the way these sound. There’s sumthin a bit different in them I can’t really explain what it is. They have a pleasing quality in their tone that I want to say is sumthin that was sorta added to spice up simply “static” IR snapshots. It’s sumthin I would say I don’t even hear in actual micing. There’s a video where Nolly and the dude who basically did all these, Italian fella. Want to say Francisco sumthin, can’t remember his last name. But he’s one of these very in depth l, super anal guys when it comes to guitar tones. Much like myself!! Where the littlest of things matter. And they do sorta infer he “found” sumthin where he knew he had that final pierce to the puzzle. And then they have this “master EQ” section which is where they sorta mix it with some common eq moves for guitar. So clearly there is some processing. But compared to previous version of the master EQ on GGD IR plugs, which seemingly just did The high and low processing and maybe some moves in the mids, which always made the IR sound thin and too mid forward. Some of these master EQ settings actually sound fatter and more balls. And apparently thru the 1000s of IRs he had to capture and use, he made a custom “Master EQ”
Setting for EVERY single one!!

So I explained all that to show this was a really well thought out and executed plugin for IRs. Best of the GGD line for sure. By a long shot. And I know Nolly did all the previous ones but I don’t truly like his mixing of guitars I guess. Anyway, it’s definitely killer.

I still like that Celestion Speaker mix pro. But that one still needs to be treated like a real mic’d speaker afterward where there’s some post processing needed. And same with a few others like this Mirror Profiles which are also very good and TRUE to mic’d speaker tones. But this GGD one does the best at balancing true raw speaker tones with that little sumthin he figured out to make it really sit well and sound realistic

Re: It was just a matter of time….

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2024 1:12 am
by FAKA!
Welp I saw it on sale for $45 last night and grabbed it... gonna go mess around now. Curious af now after reading your thoughts!