Rate the last film you watched

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Re: Rate the last film you watched

Post by greatmutah »

spawnofthesith wrote: Thu Aug 29, 2024 9:18 pm
greatmutah wrote: Thu Aug 29, 2024 8:36 pm
spawnofthesith wrote: Thu Aug 29, 2024 6:56 pm My 22 year old nephew stayed with me last weekend, he had never seen any of the alien movies so I made him watch them all then took him to Alien Romulus

I really enjoyed it. I intentionally avoided any details about it before going so I was actual expecting a continuation of the prequels. Enjoyable film and the aesthetic/vibe/pacing was a lot closer to the originals

As a side note, I still can't grasp how people complain so much about prometheus and covenant when alien 3 and resurrection exist. The prequels are fun and visually pleasing films. Those other two... are a cringe fest and I feel like they get worse every time I see them. Still special films to me as I love the whole franchise but lets be real here lol
So Alien 3 is a guilty pleasure for me. Like I know it’s not that great but dammit I like it. I like the assembly cut even more as it explains some things a bit better than the theatrical cut. Also, Charles S Dutton was outstanding in that movie.

Alien Resurrection… ok it’s got some issues but it’s actually pretty fun and cool for about 3/4s of the movie. Then the newborn thing shows up and I just don’t give a shit after that.

I like Prometheus for what it is. I like Covenant for what it is. I was actually looking forward to seeing what the third installment of that series would have been like. I think Michael Fassbender’s David was purely evil and I dug that. I know the tech discrepancies between Alien and Prometheus were problematic for folks but while it wasn’t great I didn’t dwell on it.

I’ll see Romulus sooner than later. That’s one I absolutely want to see. I don’t think there’s any Alien movie I’ve outright hated. I mean AVP2 was not good but I at least enjoyed the gore fest, at least when I could see it.
I actually just found out about the assembly cut like a day after we watched alien 3 again the other day... kinda wish I'd known lol. I want to watch it but I think I'm going to have till next years annual alien viewings :lol:

When it comes to the tech, well the reasoning of a high level scientific mission vs. more industrial applications works for me. Hell I see that kind of difference in real life every day working in a laboratory depending on which part of the building I'm in :lol:

I think you'll definitely dig Roumuls :thu:
We’re going to see it later today so I’m pretty stoked.
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Re: Rate the last film you watched

Post by pepe »

LongLegs JESBUS !!! 8/10

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Re: Rate the last film you watched


First time I ever heard someone say "JESBUS" in reference to a Nicholas Cage movie! :)
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Re: Rate the last film you watched

Post by greatmutah »

Alien Romulus 8/10

This is probably the best one since the first two movies. Closer in tone to those movies than Alien 3, Resurrection, even Prometheus and Covenant. Final survivors are a little predictable but other than that, some legit good surprises and a solid Alien movie. Fede Alvarez’s directing style fits here.
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Re: Rate the last film you watched

Post by Yarbicus »

Logan Lucky 9/10

Just sat through my third viewing (first for my wife) and it gets funnier every time. Crazy loaded cast and they each commit 100% to thier characters. One of my faves.

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Re: Rate the last film you watched

Post by pepe »

I'MAPUNKROCKERDAMNIT wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2024 6:53 pm First time I ever heard someone say "JESBUS" in reference to a Nicholas Cage movie! :)
You would have never known it was him in this movie

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Re: Rate the last film you watched

Post by zozobra »

Longlegs is the best horror I've seen in a very long time. It just had that right old school feel without it being nostalgia or fan service. Mandy is another great horror with Nic Cage in. Just don't think about it too hard :lol:

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Re: Rate the last film you watched

Post by nightflameauto »

Cage has pulled some real winners out lately. He's got that western, the Old Way where you're looking at Nick Cage, you're hearing Nick Cage, but you're seeing and hearing the character at the same time. Like, it's almost impossible to believe he's the same cheese peddler he's always been.

Absolutely Anything - galactic force aliens notice humans because of that damned Voyager spacecraft that's always getting us in trouble in Hollywood because they haven't yet wrapped their mind around the idea that space is big. They decide to give Simon Pegg the powers of galactic force or whatever, so he's basically a god. Say something, wave your hand, it happens. Which leads to all sorts of crazy, and some funny.

I enjoyed it. My wife didn't seem to. She's not big on sci-fi zany. Though the sci-fi here is pretty subdued.

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Re: Rate the last film you watched

Post by pepe »

Cage is called the hardest working man in Hollywood. His movies are hit-or-miss

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Re: Rate the last film you watched

Post by Marc G »

Cage had MASSSSSSSIVE Tax debt and would take any job that came his way for years, he was quite public with that... and since he was often a bigger star that pretty much everyone else involved in those projects he'd do whatever the fuck he wanted, people just wanted his name in the credits and he just wanted the cash..... supposedly the debt has been paid off and now he's going back to picking and choosing which roles he takes..... The Old Way was a solid Western IMO...
I can't remember what my signature was..... I'm sure it was something interesting..... :quote:

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