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BOTR 2024 Rules and Discussion Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2024 4:18 pm
by greatmutah
Alright, you apes, you wanna live forever?!

These are the rules:

Please post pictures of your rig ready to go, wired up, passing signal. Passing signal should be a clear link between instrument and amps for the amp categories (if your boards are in those rigs then signal should pass through those). For the pedal boards we are asking that we can see pedals on (not necessarily all) and cables going into and out of the board. If you have a wireless unit please ensure we can see something plugged into a guitar and the wireless receiver on. If your amp has a standby it can be in the standby position as volume may be an issue depending on where and when you’re taking said pics. As long as I see that the amp is on, we’re good (plus flipping off standby isn’t really a hard thing to do at a gig).

This is not a "gear collection" contest. It's all about the RIG.
Maximum of 2 guitars in the rig picture. For the same reason as above.
Pictures used on previous BOTRs will not be allowed. Please take a new picture for this contest. If you would like to do Rig Rundown videos for your categories those are also encouraged and accepted. Have some fun with this.

Budget Rig category will be sub $1K fair market value.

We're pairing down categories to more basics this year. I'll have the finalized list rolled out before the day of entry. No additional categories will be added once we've started.

The post threads will be open Tuesday September 3rd until Friday September 20th 3PM EDT. After that point Billy or I will lock the post threads and create voting polls.
Voting starts on the 21st and goes until the 8th. 7 days should be enough for voting.
The winners of each category will then compete for "Best Overall Rig of 2024" From September 29th to October 5th.

I reserve the right to amend these dates as necessary.

No prizes yet but I'm open to anyone having suggestions.

Contest is open to all GGF members with 10 posts or more.
Creating alts for voting purposes will automatically disqualify you, not to mention you will also get some days off. :lol:
Inviting new members to join and vote is not only allowed, it is encouraged! Help spread the word about GGF!

Finally, please keep the post threads for gear pictures only and take all the discussion to this thread. That will keep things easier.

Re: BOTR 2024 Rules and Discussion Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2024 5:08 pm
by Spaced Out Ace
Won't be able to participate as my rig is currently in a bit of a state of Flux. I'm probably not going to be up and running as expected until maybe November. Good luck everyone.

Re: BOTR 2024 Rules and Discussion Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2024 9:55 pm
by Guitarbilly
Alright!!!! Thanks for doing this man!!!! I will participate this year, but if I win anything, prize goes to the next guy in line.

I just can't have a Super Lead and NOT play in the 1/2 stack category :lol:

Re: BOTR 2024 Rules and Discussion Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2024 10:45 pm
by greatmutah
Yeah you gotta be in the head cab race. The Metro is gracing that category again this year. It’s too good not to.

Re: BOTR 2024 Rules and Discussion Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2024 11:42 pm
I'M IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: BOTR 2024 Rules and Discussion Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2024 11:59 pm
I'M IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll donate a Lounsberry Amp Rescue Pedal and an XL Pogo Fest 2024 t-shirt!!!! YAY!!!
-AND- a Stone Deaf Trashy Blonde pedal!!!!

Re: BOTR 2024 Rules and Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2024 10:04 pm
by bleedingwhiskey
What exactly does "fair market value" mean on the budget category? I know it might be a dumb question, but my neurodivergent brain is not processing the definition of that phrase right now :lol:

Re: BOTR 2024 Rules and Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2024 10:13 pm
by greatmutah
Just what the cost reasonably would be or was paid for. The main thing is not posting things like a Mark IIC+ you got for $200 because someone didn’t know what they had.

Re: BOTR 2024 Rules and Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2024 3:33 am
by Marc G
perfect timing...... new rig is in progress as of today

Re: BOTR 2024 Rules and Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2024 4:43 pm
by greatmutah
Alright. I have setup the threads that will be unlocked on Tuesday. Some things of note: I trimmed back some of the threads. The SS rig thing is gone, not too many of those here tbh. Rack still exists but I honestly debated putting it together with modeling as they do have overlap. Vintage is gone. I love vintage gear but this ain’t TGP. Butter dungeon/jam space etc seemed to be more about the collection and less about the rig. Same with multi amp/WDW.