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What’re y’all digging on for dirt pedals these days?

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2024 10:28 pm
by Beef
Well? What’re you using? What’re you liking?

Re: What’re y’all digging on for dirt pedals these days?

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2024 10:42 pm
by greatmutah
I’d been on a Muff kick for a bit, along with the J Rockett dude, but currently I’m mainly using amp distortion + my SD-1 as a boost these days. It’s an old reliable setup for good reason.

Re: What’re y’all digging on for dirt pedals these days?

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 12:14 am
by Guitarbilly
I'm all about amp distortion. But if I'm playing through a clean amp the Carl Martin Plexitone is hard to beat for a Marshall in a box pedal.
For fuzz my favorite is my FuzzHugger Algal Bloom. I haven't found a fuzz I like better. It sounds great and it doesn't have to be first in chain, works fine after anything, even buffered pedals. I heard their Doom Bloom is also great but I haven't tried it yet.
My Fulltone Soul Bender V1 is killer too.
And I still love the DS-1 and the RAT. Can't go wrong with those!

Re: What’re y’all digging on for dirt pedals these days?

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 12:36 am
by RaceU4her
ibanez smashbox is my favorite. just got a rat clone that is cool. muffs are cool. depends what youre going for really

Re: What’re y’all digging on for dirt pedals these days?

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 1:19 am
by broslinger
Stomp Under foot built dearmond squarewave clone
Eae halberd overdrive
Suf sonic generator deluxe
Skreddy klipper distortion fuzz
Spiral red drive distortion
Spiral brute fuzz
Spruce volcanoes fuzz
Spruce saguaros fuzz
Science mother preamp
Spruce glaciers preamp

Re: What’re y’all digging on for dirt pedals these days?

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 3:49 am
by spawnofthesith
SUF Direwolf the only dirt on my board atm

Only other dirt pedals I own at all are an sd-1 and a plx fx-2 clone

Don’t use the dirt models in my HX one much at all but strangely enough I like the Timmy model on their better than the MXR Timmy and caline pure sky, both as a boost and stand alone on cleans

Re: What’re y’all digging on for dirt pedals these days?

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 3:56 am
by JSutter
For high gain into a clean amp, Truetone Jekyll and Hyde V3, or sometimes Biyang Metal End.
For boosting, Boss SD-1 or Proco BRAT which is far more versatile.

Re: What’re y’all digging on for dirt pedals these days?

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 6:20 am
by holy-diver
The Lichtlaerm King in Yellow, provides everything I have wanted in a TS style.

Re: What’re y’all digging on for dirt pedals these days?

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 6:47 am
by 2tallmusic
The good old 2 channel Carl Martin Plexitone is still my favorite. Bought a second one last year as my hoarder's heart demanded a backup.

For low overdrive sounds I really dig and use the OneControl Honey Bee and the Super Apricot Drive.

Re: What’re y’all digging on for dirt pedals these days?

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 4:40 pm
by ElDirtySanchez
The ones that constantly stay on my board and get used are Keeley Moon, Wampler Velvet fuzz, Fulltone OCD clone I made and a 5150 pedal.
Sometimes I'll swap out the velvet with one of the following - Dunlop Band of Gypsy fuzz, Fulltone 70's fuzz, Sunface with BC108 Zvex Fuzz Factory or MJM London fuzz with germanium transistors