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OFD H90 For Me.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2024 2:52 pm
by turbopablo
I've read the reviews, watched the demos and finally pulled the trigger. This is my last crack at a multi-effect unit. If it doesn't work out this time, I promise that I will swear off of them and stick with pedals forevah.

But yeah, I am excite.

Re: OFD H90 For Me.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2024 4:23 pm
by Vladimir Putin
H90 master race

Not sure what your specific needs are, but it's insanely powerful and handles so many things well. It doesn't do everything like a jack of all trades/king of none option like the HXFX, but for reverbs/delays and most importantly MICROPITCH it is unstoppable.

One of my best gear purchases in a long time.

Re: OFD H90 For Me.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2024 4:29 pm
by turbopablo
I am mainly looking to have easy access to different combos of reverbs and delays while also saving some space on my board. Plus, my current setup has run it's coarse and I feel like it is time for a fresh perspective. It's been a while since I was really inspired by my electric rigs.

Re: OFD H90 For Me.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2024 4:34 pm
by Vladimir Putin
Oh then more than likely you're going to love it.

I run it in so many configurations with great success but my favorite so far has been to run my amps in the Two Notes Captor, run the 1/4" line out in to the H90 and run stereo outs off that in to my interface. Beautiful studio quality effects. That said, it sounds equally as good running it in the loop of my Soldano, running 4cm, running it in front of my Fenders...

but yeah, most of the time it's on my desk next to my interface.

Re: OFD H90 For Me.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2024 4:39 pm
by Vladimir Putin
Here's a couple different examples of how I've gotten use out of it:

More traditional just adding some reverb and depth:

Super washed out but still articulate:

More of a post rock vibe where it just adds incredible depth to the tone:

And an isolated track of my 64 SG and a Fuzz with some subtle delay for ambience:

Re: OFD H90 For Me.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2024 4:55 pm
by turbopablo
Those all sound killer. I need to bite the bullet and get a IR load box like the Captor.

Running it post everything for recording was a big part of my decision to buy it. Probably the biggest. I've been in a bit of a mental struggle trying to figure out how to do it. This solves that problem easily.

Re: OFD H90 For Me.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2024 5:01 pm
by Vladimir Putin
Yeah, it's definitely my favorite way to run it. The best part is you can set up preset lists for each configuration so you don't have to constantly be tweaking it when you change things up.

But yeah, running it off my $200 Captor is my favorite. Plus when I have it on my desk I can have it plugged in to the computer to allow me to use the in-depth software editor that makes it incredibly easy to play with. I believe they have the iPad bluetooth app going now but I haven't tried that yet.

Re: OFD H90 For Me.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2024 5:13 pm
by turbopablo
Just arrived. Scrolling through the presets and menus now. It seems pretty easy to dive into so far.

All of the LEDs' are sooo pretty.

Re: OFD H90 For Me.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2024 5:21 pm
by turbopablo

Re: OFD H90 For Me.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2024 5:22 pm
by Vladimir Putin
Hahahaha I will say the one draw back is that it's not the easiest to edit on the fly

My gripe on the factory presets is that they're all setup to be run in to a clean amp. So the "front of amp" effects are combined with the "fx loop" type effects. Meaning there's a lot of presets that have a univibe or a tubescreamer style effect coupled with a nice delay that end up not working well in an effects loop or in front of a dirty amp. It's easy to adjust though.

Let me know if you need any help with routing configs and such. Once you get the hang of it things make sense but it can take a minute to wrap your head around changing from Pre/Post mode to insert mode. Pre/Post is my favorite for when I edit on the unit itself because it allows you to place the 2 algorithms where you want them either before the amp or in the loop. Insert mode can achieve this too but you have to choose the insert location which can be a bit cumbersome on the onboard screen. Once you connect it to a computer it's way way way eaasier.