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Ever run a gainy amp (Marshall) into an open-back cab?

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2024 2:04 am
by bonano
Well, I drank the Kool Aid here and found a DSL100h at a decent price. I don't have a 4x12 conveniently accessible, so I'm running it through a 2x12 open-back cab with alnicos which I have only run my Fender heads through. I haven't been able to run it at volume, but at lower volumes I'm quite impressed with it! Dare I say that I can almost get Fender cleans with the reverb and presence controls? And all the different levels of gain! I still have to spend more time with it, but so far, wow! Except it's size . . . Again, coming from Fender heads and combos, this thing is pretty big.

Re: Ever run a gainy amp (Marshall) into an open-back cab?

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2024 1:58 pm
by Guitarbilly
Yeah I've done it. It's great for cleans and lower gain tones.
For high gain, it can work but it's different than what most would consider the Marshall "classic" tone.

You could try to make a reversible closed back to your 2x12, it's usually pretty easy to do with most cabs.

Congrats on the new amp. The DSL100H is my favorite amp.

Re: Ever run a gainy amp (Marshall) into an open-back cab?

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2024 2:07 pm
by Marc G
I run my Plexi clone in to open back cabs.... works fine for me when I kick in high gain tones.... I have used the same amp on my friend's Mesa 4x12 with V30 and that sounded great too, really beefy..... but... I did lose the chime and attack I like in my tone.... adding presence didn't really do the trick.... still an awesome sound though..... what I really didn't like about it was how directional my sound became

Re: Ever run a gainy amp (Marshall) into an open-back cab?

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2024 4:13 pm
by screamingdaisy
I've done it, but as a fan of chugging guitars I prefer the response of closed back cabs.

That said, I've heard some nice semi-open back cabs that seem to strike a good balance.

Re: Ever run a gainy amp (Marshall) into an open-back cab?

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2024 7:24 pm
by zozobra
A semi open back mesa cab was a big part of Steve Von Till's tone in neurosis and that tone fucks.

Re: Ever run a gainy amp (Marshall) into an open-back cab?

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2024 12:22 pm
by macgaj3
I love the sound of my bad cat amps as combos. Definitely doesn't chug the same way as a head with a closed back cab, but it works great for a big rock sound.

Re: Ever run a gainy amp (Marshall) into an open-back cab?

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2024 4:13 pm
by overdrivenel34s
Yes and can get good tones with. You may have to tweak eq vs how would dial in with open back cab at least a drop. It still won't be fully the same especially for much heavier styles. On stage open back cabs have benefit of spreading out sound more so then open back cabs which allows you to move more then a few inches left or right and not have tone completely blanket covered losing all high end response.