I had been feeling the urge to splurge a little bit lately, wanting to check out amps and had sort of a short list of things I wanted to check out. One of them being Morris amps. Morris has been doing a lot of Hot rodded Plexi-ish amps lately, and those were catching my ear especially, but don't come up used really, and he also has a higher gain amp (the Sirrom) which some people had described as almost between a Marshall and a Mark series, which sounded great to me. On paper I want a Plexi, but in real life, I want something more modern, this hits that crossroad perfectly.
Single channel, low and hi input, same knob setup as an 800 plus depth control.
Low output reminds me of my old 800, but perhaps a touch more gain. Hi output has a of of gain, but retains that character. Amp cleans up really nice with the volume knob.
I didn't really snap any photos besides it sitting on my desk and some damage (that "happened in shipping". somehow