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Re: Gigging musicians: how many of you have ACTUALLY downsized?

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2024 4:44 pm
by 2tallmusic
I did not downsize much - always mainly played combos and lately the Astoria 112 rig. These days I no longer have the obsession to bring extension cabs and I have optimized the grab’n go practicing and session package with the DV Mark Little on top of a Barefaced Reformer cab.

Re: Gigging musicians: how many of you have ACTUALLY downsized?

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2024 11:48 pm
I've been playing a Randall RG80 combo since the late 1980's because, back then, the amp was under $300 and it sounded amazing!
Can't really downsize without going to a pedal board amp! :D

Re: Gigging musicians: how many of you have ACTUALLY downsized?

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 12:40 am
by ninjaraf
Completely the opposite. I used to gig with a 5150 212 combo. Now it’s an evh 100s and a Mesa os 412 LoLoL. Downsizing can go fuk itself away man. Srsly.

But really I’ve used all sorts of sizes of gear on stage, and not in a growing or shrinking order. Everything from my current rig, avatar 212s, mt15, evh 50, Mesa small and long heads on 212s and 412s, and even a fryette memphis 112 combo once.

100 watts and a 412 are the most fun.

Re: Gigging musicians: how many of you have ACTUALLY downsized?

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 10:32 am
by Guitarbilly
ninjaraf wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 12:40 am fryette memphis 112 combo once.
:rofl: I remember that lollol

Re: Gigging musicians: how many of you have ACTUALLY downsized?

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 11:19 am
by macaronisalad
After fucking around yesterday with some pedals and the Laney, I've found I can get the sound I want without having to anything up front. Gain on about 6, Drive engaged and about 6 as well. Liquidy enough for leads, enough crunch for rhythm, and cleans up really nice with the volume knob. So there. I downsized. :lol: I can just leave the Delay and Eventide on all the time on top of the amp.

Re: Gigging musicians: how many of you have ACTUALLY downsized?

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 3:57 pm
by Guitarbilly
The other day I tried the same thing, and dialed a lead sound without the boost. It sounded pretty good. Then I turned the boost back on and I was like "what was I doing? This is so much easier!!" :lol:

Re: Gigging musicians: how many of you have ACTUALLY downsized?

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 8:38 pm
by macgaj3
I was a full stacker until I actually started gigging and went to half-stacks.
Dropped it to a 2x12 combo when i started touring
Dropped it to a 1x12 combo when i got old and tired of the weight.

The last gigs I played were with a 15-watt bad cat, and it was more than enough amp. The new 3-piece I'm in is using 2 1x12 combos, one on either side of the stage, and it's an obnoxious amount of fun to have that stereo spread.

Re: Gigging musicians: how many of you have ACTUALLY downsized?

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 9:56 pm
by screamingdaisy
What I see locally is pretty stereotypical. The more indie, the more likely they have some Vox or Fender 1x12s. The more metal, the more likely they have 100w 4x12s. I don't see a lot of modellers. When I do, it's usually a prog band with a high end modeller or a beginner band with a low end modelling combo.

As for myself? Hell no. I gig an SVT on an 810. I started with a 115, worked my way up to a 410, and now have an 810 and 212. The 212 is for when the 810 is too big, but the only time I've gigged the little cab was to test it out, and I haven't used it since.

My current band started with 40w 1x12 combos. They did one gig like that and switched to a 50w 2x12 and 100w 4x12. They complained the 40w 1x12s were too mushy and felt like wet cardboard after awhile.

My lead singer used a modeller for a few gigs. We figured it'd be fine as he only plays for a few songs, but on those songs he's a key element. The soundman said it sounded like shit and he couldn't figure out how to make what we were sending him sound better. He's now upsized to one of the leftover 1x12 combo amps.

Re: Gigging musicians: how many of you have ACTUALLY downsized?

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 10:40 pm
by greatmutah
I have no conceivable need or use for one but part of me wants an Ampeg VT-22 for guitar use because I know it’ll be stupid loud. And the sole reason I’m even interested is because every now and then I get on a Stones kick (like Exile, Sticky Fingers era) and decide I need one.

Re: Gigging musicians: how many of you have ACTUALLY downsized?

Posted: Wed May 08, 2024 2:23 pm
by fastredponycar
We played a St Patty's day gig a while back and decided to go big on stage. Up to that point, we were just pedalboard and FRFR's and our bassist would have a dark glass head and 2x10 cab. For the gig, our bassist lugged out his mesa bass 400+ amp (which has been loaded with TWELVE 6550's) and a pair of mesa 4x10 cabs. He almost never uses it because apparently a re-tube costs like $700+. :o

I brought the nitro half stack too.

The visual spectacle was cool but it was honestly kind of a nightmare getting the PA re-worked and remixed to sound decent.

Our bass player has started using his super bassman now and one or both of his fender 4x10 cabs depending on the venue. Our singer is still Quad Cortex straight to the PA with no FRFR on stage and if I'm not playing a piece of demo gear, it's either my UA Lion into the UA OX Stomp to the PA and an FRFR behind me or my Katana Artist into the OX Stomp/FRFR and PA.

I still have/love my Fractal FM3 but it's taken permanent residence on my acoustic gig board.