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Re: E/Eb players what's your setup preference?

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2024 2:26 am
by screamingdaisy
I voted medium, although I alternate between 10s and 11s periodically.

Action is medium. I usually go for the factory setup. I like to dig in, and I find I choke a low action out too much.

Re: E/Eb players what's your setup preference?

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2024 2:57 am
by Lanceanot
9-42, Typically tune to drop d-flat, 24.75 scale, low action, nearly flat... buzz city, hahaha

Re: E/Eb players what's your setup preference?

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2024 2:05 pm
by Marc G
so I got curious and decided to take some measurements

SG - Eb with 11-49, High E is 1.5mm and Low is 1.75mm

Les Paul - E with 10-46, High E is 1.5mm and Low E is 1.75mm

those measurements kinda surprised me.... mostly because i dialed them in by feel.. but I guess now I have a reference to how I like my action lol

Re: E/Eb players what's your setup preference?

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2024 4:25 pm
by Endtime
I definitely started measuring for quite awhile now. And like everyone else, I went by feel for the entire time until I started getting more and more into building, then consistency mattered more. Cause I didn’t take the first measurement on the first day and assumed that must be it! My favorite height! Hah. I would take measurements and just make mental notes and I would keep setting up by feel and I realized straight away, feel doesn’t last at all, it changes guitar to guitar. Which to some degree I do treat most of my instruments differently. Some might just feel better even with the same gauge and tunings. Soemtimes I don’t even understand how guitars with all the same basic specs can have such varying “feel”, even when setup the same… But that shit happens which is why Feel is good to get your base but afterwards, measuring definitely helps dial in everything…

Anyway, what was I sayin… hahahah

But eFlat I go 10-48 25.5 scale. Or 10-50 for 24.75

E standard I do 9-46 or 10-46 for short scale. Action is I’d say medium low. I measure low side a hair above 4/64, and the high E just under 4/64s. For guitars I set up, I’ll usually knock the low side up to 5/64 as that’s sorta the standard for most guitars and go lower if it takes it, otherwise I have to kinda hit the middle ground unless I know the player and what they prefer

Re: E/Eb players what's your setup preference?

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2024 5:05 pm
by Guitarbilly
Yeah I usually measure my action too, but it's funny because I like different guitars with different actions. Even between same model guitars, for example, my 3 Les Pauls all have different actions. I think the sweet spot is different for every individual guitar. But once I find the sweet spot on a guitar, I measure it so I can always go back to it. I'd say my action is mid-low on all my guitars but they vary a bit from a guitar to the next.

Re: E/Eb players what's your setup preference?

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2024 12:11 am
10's // as low as possible // Eb for my band... only because about 20 years ago, I didn't realize that my Boss tuner was on Eb when the key indicator light was in the middle. :cop:
10's //as low as possible // E standard for everything else.