Streaming CDs Vinyl Cassettes where the € $ £ really is

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Streaming CDs Vinyl Cassettes where the € $ £ really is


Where the € $ £ really is for blokes like us...
It's a good watch. She's on point....
Walt said: When the hour is nigh & the lights are low & I got a toothpick of a shwag joint in my teeth & my friends want to hear me play Into the Void or TNT or Cemetery Gates I plug my $600 guitar into my $150 amp and I am a Rawk gawd

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Re: Streaming CDs Vinyl Cassettes where the € $ £ really is

Post by Guitarbilly »

How much money an artist with her level of recognition was making before streaming though? Would she even be known at all without YouTube etc?

Really this doesn't change things for 99.9% of musicians.

I'm, for one, am glad that I can publish my music on platforms today and share it relatively easy, instead of having to drop a ton of money on a box of CDs that would invariably end in the garage.

People are missing money they never made to begin with....

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