Uber in depth and greenbacks

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Uber in depth and greenbacks

Post by Maddnotez »

Ultimately I went back to the T75s instead of the Heritage greenbacks, I always make a shitty little recording to compare things so I wanted to post. I think I was harsh to judge these speakers. While I did not like the frequency shift at all in the room. It doesnt sound half bad on a cell phone recording I guess, not to mention they have ZERO break in time.

It actually seems to fill the room more and sounds a bit wider with the GB but I do prefer the 75s and will not be messing with speakers anymore, at least in this cab for now.

This post is probably about to get long and boring but I wanted to also post my general analysis of the amp.

I am fully convinced it is the best currently made and available amp in the market for the metalz. It takes a LOT to learn the amp and the range that is has is really insane. I saw some DAR amp talk come up on Facebook lately and it made me watch a lot of FBM videos. While they don't really sound the same and im not really comparing them generally, that DAR amp and Uber Ultra to me seem very similar as far as the options go and I cant think of any other amp that can compare to that kind of range.

On the left of the Uber there is a 3 way toggle. Uber/Hair/Hair +. This is basically a MID shift. You can get a fat upper mid in your face to a more low mid core tone.

Then there is the standard Presence and depth however I have never had an amp with that much range on the Presence. The depth is also good but the Presence range, in my opinion is more. On top of that they have a density knob. Im not sure how to even explain that. I guess maybe a fine tuner of another mid shift.

All these settings on the left are shared for both channels. Channel 1 has a gain stage toggle: clean, crunch and uber. Also has a bright switch and can get decent cleans all the way to punishing gain just like the Twin Jet.

For channel 2 on the right side of the amp there is another 3 way toggle that is a gain stage toggle, crunch, uber and ultra. I believe you can get up to 6 gain stages on this amp. Then there is also an internal boost button. The boost is cool. it is on/off so you cant manipulate it and it is nothing extreme but it is a nice option.

On top of that there are more sets of toggles for CH2. There are the standard low/mid/high eq knobs for each channel (which are very interesting and operate pretty much exactly in the same uber fashion) but CH2 has a morph knob. That one is hard to explain but it interacts with the tight/fat toggle. With the morph off and on fat, it is actually kind of low gain and super nice for low gain dissonant stuff but turn it to fat and there is all the gain, then with morph up a little tight and fat switch will do what you would normally think.

On top of that there is another 3 way toggle, Doom/Focus/Bright, I think that kind of controls the low end and does what it sounds like. You want a big open road go to doom, focus is a bit tighter, bright is a bit brighter.

All of these interact with each other in some way and it is honestly just insane (almost overwhelming) of all the endless possibilities. It is a tweakers paradise. You can get lost in the amp, I can get indecisive with so many options BUT I also think you can just turn on the amp and rip if you want without issues.

Anyway thats about it. The best in depth video I can find is this one below, he really puts it through the courses

And here are my low quality GB vs 75 comparison vids. bad video warning, not playing well was basically just trying to learn a riff but its the only one I pressed record on.


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Re: Uber in depth and greenbacks

Post by ninjaraf »

Yeah, this amp seems to sick. I like your second video here better.
I like 5150s. The rest of you bullshit amps can get fucked.

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Re: Uber in depth and greenbacks

Post by Guitarbilly »

Bogners in general can take a while to learn/dial-in. They all seem dark at first but they can be extremely cutting when dialed in right. Bogners toke stacks are probably the most effective passive tone stacks out there, they have a really wide range and the knobs are interactive with one another. For those coming from a Marshall background like me, it's shocking how much range Bogner EQs have, including Presence and Depth.

These clips sound great. I don't dislike the GB clip but the stock configuration sounds much better indeed..

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Re: Uber in depth and greenbacks

Post by Maddnotez »

Guitarbilly wrote: Fri May 03, 2024 2:44 pm Bogners in general can take a while to learn/dial-in. They all seem dark at first but they can be extremely cutting when dialed in right. Bogners toke stacks are probably the most effective passive tone stacks out there, they have a really wide range and the knobs are interactive with one another. For those coming from a Marshall background like me, it's shocking how much range Bogner EQs have, including Presence and Depth.

These clips sound great. I don't dislike the GB clip but the stock configuration sounds much better indeed..
I really do agree with your comment about the amps being dark. That is one problem I face with this amp, it's just me and my bedroom so it doesn't really matter but I do find that when I dial in the tone that I love it sounds really dark. So naturally I want to start adjusting things and then I lose it all and yeah, it can be frustrating for sure.

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