This is what happens when guitar makers do Fentanyl

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This is what happens when guitar makers do Fentanyl

Post by Guitarbilly »

$25k Kiesel


What in the fuck

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Re: This is what happens when guitar makers do Fentanyl

Post by macaronisalad »

There better be $24,000 cash in the control cavity.
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Re: This is what happens when guitar makers do Fentanyl

Post by cliffenstein »

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Re: This is what happens when guitar makers do Fentanyl

Post by andvari7 »

Looks great, but Jeff Kiesel is boofing fistfuls of the stuff, if he thinks someone would willing pay $25,000 for it.

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Re: This is what happens when guitar makers do Fentanyl

Post by RaceU4her »

thats beautiful for maybe $2500 lol

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Re: This is what happens when guitar makers do Fentanyl

Post by Marc G »

that's a really pretty piece of wood.... shame it has to live it's life as a hideous guitar...
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Re: This is what happens when guitar makers do Fentanyl

Post by Zeegler »

I'm looking at the picture thinking "okay, not really my thing, but it's a nice looking guitar". Didn't see the price tag. :freak:

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Re: This is what happens when guitar makers do Fentanyl

Post by greatmutah »

Yeah that’s gonna be a no from me dawg. I don’t hate the look of it even. But $25K? :freak: :freak:
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Re: This is what happens when guitar makers do Fentanyl

Post by linthat22 »

Definitely out of my price range, but most guitars with that kinda price tag are usually ugly to some degree.

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Re: This is what happens when guitar makers do Fentanyl

Post by Chris Z »

I fucking hate Kiesel.

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