Celestion Evh spkr or/Vs g12m-65 creamback

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Celestion Evh spkr or/Vs g12m-65 creamback

Post by Endtime »

This will be my last comparison ! Hah. It’s just I went and did the old speaker swaps in a few cabs and I’m just hearing what I have, and what I’ll choose live, or which amp likes what etc.. . Since, they all have 2 speakers so I like to have a “live” tone choice for each. . Some in an X and a few with just top/bottom…

Anyway, just the Evh el34 100 red channel. Straight in of course. Single 57. Personally I really like this cabs tone and mix. It’s definitely the one for the 5153. I’m happy with either tone. But if I had to pick a fave?? I think I can. Lol. Also side note, this can has the 16 ohm versions of both speakers..

Evh spkr https://app.box.com/s/qiw10bmqdi3szh6rbtm27uqg7y1jrkwx

G12m-65 Creamback https://app.box.com/s/fu5xnamcqjby8bf1o94qqv3vlk8olqnk

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Vladimir Putin
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Re: Celestion Evh spkr or/Vs g12m-65 creamback

Post by Vladimir Putin »

I prefer the Creamback by a lot here. The low end holds together much better, and the top end at the end of the clip is fucking sick. Reminds me of the magic I'm hearing in my new SLO... that almost hifi polished sound.

The EVH sounded great too, but then I clicked on the cream and immediately liked it more in just about every way.
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Re: Celestion Evh spkr or/Vs g12m-65 creamback

Post by Endtime »

I do prefer the Creamback as well. It’s quickly moved to my favorite speaker list. I even saw Avatar speakers has em for about $30 off at the moment…. But I think the Evh is good to still have in the cab. It’s a bit more “untamed” I guess. When I was experimenting with mixing one speaker one Left and the other on Right, I think that actually was my favorite. So they do compliment well. But just for comparison I made one of each.

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Vladimir Putin
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Re: Celestion Evh spkr or/Vs g12m-65 creamback

Post by Vladimir Putin »

Yeah I can see them complementing each other real well.

This has been in line with my experience with creambacks as well. They’re just kinda like the perfected version of those classic speakers while the EVH is more of a replica of em.

Sounds great either way. You and Raf are killing it with the 5153 clips.
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Re: Celestion Evh spkr or/Vs g12m-65 creamback

Post by Endtime »

It’s the only Creamback I’ve tried. Well I lied we have an Orange 2x12 at the shop with the Neo creambacks and I’ve never put a mic on it but I think that cab also sounds great. I forget how “new” these really are but for sure Celestion did some quality R and D cause they really do seem way more dialed in. There really isn’t anything I’d complain about with these 65 watt creambacks. For what it does?? I can’t think of how to improve on it. If you like that Greenback sound with a bit more together low end and slightly smoother upper mids/highs? It’ll do that perfect

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Vladimir Putin
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Re: Celestion Evh spkr or/Vs g12m-65 creamback

Post by Vladimir Putin »

I had a pair of the 75 watt Creambacks. They were killer as well, although I think I prefer the 65s since they're not quite as thick in the low end. The 75s were almost too much, but still had that great musical top end like the 65s.

I haven't tried the neo creambacks yet

Glad to hear these are working so well in your situation. Clips are sounding better than ever.
Ukraine? Mykraine

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